Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications

From small start-ups to major corporations, companies of all sizes have embraced cloud computing for the scalability, reliability, and cost benefits it can provide. It has even been said that cloud computing may have a greater effect on our lives than the PC and dot-com revolutions combined.Filled with comparative charts and decision trees, Impleme

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Об авторе (2010)

David E. Y. Sarna is a technologist, serial entrepreneur, and author of the popular blogs and Mr. Sarna is a Certified Systems Professional, a Certified Computer Programmer and Certified Data Processing Auditor. He is the co-author, with George Febish, of PC Magazine Windows Rapid Application Development (published by Ziff-Davis Press) which went into three printings and was translated into several languages; he has also written five other books and more than 120 articles published in professional magazines. His longtime column "Paradigm Shift" was the most popular feature in Datamation for many years.

Mr. Sarna holds several patents in the fields of bar code and kiosk technologies. He has been honored by the Computer Measurement Group, Inc., by IBM, and by Microsoft Corporation, where he was a founding Regional Director of the Microsoft Developers Network. He has lectured widely and has appeared on television many times, including multiple national appearances on the Fox Network, CNN, and MSNBC.

Mr. Sarna is the founder and managing director of Hendon, Stamford Hill & Co., Inc. (HSH), strategy consulting ( He has more than 35 years of experience as a merchant banker, management consultant and as an executive of high-technology companies. Prior to founding HSH, Mr. Sarna served for many years on the Advisory Board of Hudson Venture Partners, a well-known New York venture capitalist.He has served as a board member, director and executive officer of the Ramaz School, and on the Board of Yavneh Academy, both prestigious notfor-profit schools.

Mr. Sarna was founder, chairman, chief executive officer, and a director of ObjectSoft Corporation, a publicly traded company which he founded in 1990. In 1988, Mr. Sarna founded Image Business Systems Corporation (IBS), a software company specializing in document image processing; thecompany was founded as a spin-of

Библиографические данные

Название Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications
Автор David E. Y. Sarna
Издание: иллюстрированное
Издатель CRC Press, 2010
ISBN 1439830835, 9781439830833
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 344
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan