Small Acts : Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures

Small Acts charts the emergence of a distinctive cultural sensibility that accomplishes the difficult task of being simultaneously both black and English. Straddling the field of popular cultural forms, Paul Gilroy shows how the African diaspora born from slavery has given rise to a web of intimate social relationships in which African-American, Caribbean and now black English elements combine. Discussions of Spike Lee and Frank Bruno, record sleeves, photographs, film and literature from Beloved to Yardie are used to show how new and exciting possibilities have arisen from the transnational flows that create cultural links between the global African diaspora. Small Acts is a seminal work by an important young critic that changes the terms on which black culture will be understood and argued about.

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The peculiarities of the black English

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Spatial Formations
Nigel Thrift
Ограниченный просмотр - 1996

Об авторе (1993)

Paul Gilroy is a Professor at the London School of Economics. Born in the East End of London to Guyanese and English parents, he was educated at University College School and Sussex University. Gilroy is a scholar of Cultural Studies and African diasporic culture. He is the author of Ain't no Black in the Union Jack, Small Acts, The Black Atlantic, Between Camps and Postcolonial Melancholia. Gilroy was also co-author of The Empire Strikes Back: race and racism in 1970s Britain, a path-breaking, collectively-produced volume.Gilroy has taught at Goldsmiths College and Yale University. He now holds the Anthony Giddens Professorship in Social Theory at the London School of Economics.Gilroy is known as a scholar and historian of the music of the African diaspora, as a commentator on the politics of race, nation and racism in the UK, and as an archaeologist of the literary and cultural lives of blacks in the western hemisphere.Gilroy's theories of race, racism and culture were influential in shaping the cultural and political movement of black British people during the 1990s.

Библиографические данные

Название Small Acts: Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures
A paperback original
“A” paperback original: Serpent's Tail
Автор Paul Gilroy
Издание: иллюстрированное, перепечатанное
Издатель Serpent's Tail, 1993
ISBN 185242298X, 9781852422981
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 257
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