Can mts catch by requester id

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up MTA-STS and TLS reporting with DMARCLY.

What is MTA-STS

MTA-STS, short for Mail Transfer Agent - Strict Transport Security, is a technology that allows email servers to declare the ability to receive Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections and specify whether sending SMTP servers should refuse to deliver to email servers that do not implement TLS with a trusted server certificate.

Why you need MTA-STS

A man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack is a cyberattack where the attacker secretly intercepts the messages between two parties and possibly alter them. Attackers can use MiTM attacks to steal sensitive information like login credentials, bank accounts, or corrupt data, by relaying traffic between the sender and the receiver.

STARTTLS can be used to turn a plain text SMTP connection into an encrypted one whenever TLS is supported on the receiving server ("Opportunistic" TLS). However, it's still susceptible to MiTM attacks in that the STARTTLS command can be overwritten by the attacker, unnoticed by the receiving server.

With MTA-STS, a domain administrator can dictate that email servers that support MTA-STS will not send emails to their domain via an unencrypted connection. This makes MiTM attacks much harder to conduct.

How to set up MTA-STS

In order to set up MTA-STS, first you need to create a TXT record on _mta-sts.your-domain to indicate that your domain supports MTA-STS:

_mta-sts.your-domain IN TXT "v=STSv1; >In the record value v=STSv1; > above:

You can log in to the dashboard, go to DNS Records/MTA-STS & TLS-RPT, and you will find such a record, as shown below:

MTA-STS Record

Simply click the green button as illustrated above to copy the record to the clipboard, then publish it in the DNS.

Next you need to create an MTA-STS policy as follows:

version: STSv1 mode: testing mx: your-email-host max_age: 86400

In the policy above: