Prevention and Public Health Fund

In the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, Congress directed HHS to provide information on activities and programs supported with resources from the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Through this website, HHS will provide information on the planned use of funds, funding opportunities, and the recipients of awards. Information will be posted as it becomes available.


The Affordable Care Act established the Prevention and Public Health Fund to provide expanded and sustained national investments in prevention and public health, to improve health outcomes, and to enhance health care quality. To date, the Fund has invested in a broad range of evidence-based activities including community and clinical prevention initiatives; research, surveillance and tracking; public health infrastructure; immunizations and screenings; tobacco prevention; and public health workforce and training. In the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012, Congress initially directed HHS to establish a website for reporting on uses of funds made available through the Prevention and Public Health Fund.

Funding Opportunity Announcements, Requests for Proposals, Other Funding Solicitations, and Awards

Learn about funding opportunity announcements, requests for proposals, and other funding solicitations for activities funded from the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Announcements will be posted as they are issued.

Funding distribution

The following table reflects the planned use of Prevention and Public Health Fund resources in fiscal year 2017. The table includes the name of the agency receiving funds, the activity to be supported, and the program or activity funding level. In FY 2017, the funding level reflects the required reduction from the mandatory sequester pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended.

The effective date of the transfer of funds from the Prevention and Public Health Fund to the Agencies listed below is December 15, 2016.

Agency Activity or Program Allocation Planned Uses of Funds
ACL Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Education and Outreach 14,700,000 To fund new grants to states that expand specialized services and supports targeting certain categories of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders. To initiate a new public awareness campaign to encourage consumers experiencing memory loss to seek medical advice and to address the stigma associated with dementia.
ACL Chronic Disease Self-Management 8,000,000 To fund a national resource center and award new competitive grants to help older adults and adults with disabilities from underserved areas and populations (including Tribal communities) better manage their chronic conditions by providing access to evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs; also assist grantees with developing and implementing strategies for sustainable program funding beyond the scope of the grant period.
ACL Falls Prevention 5,000,000 To fund a national resource center and award new competitive grants to implement evidence-based community programs that have been proven to reduce the incidence of falls for older adults and adults with disabilities (including Tribal elders), as well as identify sustainable funding mechanisms for these programs; via the resource center, promote the importance of falls prevention strategies and provide public education about the risks of falls and ways to prevent them.
CDC Hospitals Promoting Breastfeeding 8,000,000 To fund community initiatives to support breastfeeding mothers and support hospitals in promoting breastfeeding.
CDC Diabetes Prevention 72,000,000 To implement improved and enhanced diabetes prevention and control strategies within state and local organizations that address primary prevention and support the National Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle change intervention.
CDC Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Program 40,000,000 To enhance the ability of state, local, and territorial grantee capacity for detecting and responding to infectious diseases and other public health threats.
CDC Healthcare Associated Infections 12,000,000 To strengthen public health infrastructure for HAI activities related to monitoring, response, and prevention across all health care settings and to accelerate electronic reporting to detect HAIs at the state level.
CDC Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program 73,000,000 To implement improved and enhanced heart disease and stroke prevention efforts.
CDC Million Hearts Program 4,000,000 To improve cardiovascular disease and stroke prevention by promoting medication management and adherence strategies and improving the ability to track blood pressure and cholesterol controls.
CDC Office of Smoking and Health 126,000,000 To raise awareness about the harms of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke in areas of the country with high rates of tobacco use prevalence.
CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grants 160,000,000 To support programs that focus on the leading causes of death and disability and the ability to respond rapidly to emerging health issues, including outbreaks of foodborne infections and waterborne diseases.
CDC Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) 50,950,000 To improve linkages between the health care system and minority communities with unique social, economic, and cultural circumstances; and change the chronic disease conditions and risk factors in local communities.
CDC Immunization 324,350,000 To improve the public health immunization infrastructure in order to maintain and increase vaccine coverage among children, adolescents, and adults.
CDC Lead Poisoning Prevention 17,000,000 To support and enhance surveillance capacity at the state and city level to prevent and ultimately eliminate childhood lead poisoning.
CDC National Early Child Care Collaboratives 4,000,000 To support efforts to improve physical activity and nutrition environments in early childhood education (ECE) settings.
SAMHSA Garrett Lee SmithYouth Suicide Prevention 12,000,000 To fund continuation grants for Youth Suicide Prevention - States grantees.
Total 931,000,000

Previous Reporting Data