Archaeological data preservation act

Title 16 - Conservation
Chapter 1a - Historic Sites, Buildings, Objects, and Antiquities
SubChapter I - General Provisions

Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974

� 469. Purpose
� 469a. Notice to Secretary of the Interior
� 469a-1. Data Recovery
� 469a-2. Survey by Secretary of the Interior; data recovery; compensation for delays and temporary loss of use of land
� 469a-3. Progress reports by Secretary of the Interior; disposition of relics and specimens; coordination of survey and recovery activities; annual report
� 469b. Contracts or agreements; services of experts, consultants, or organizations; acceptance of funds
� 469c. Use of project funds
� 469c-1. "State" defined
� 469c-2. Costs with respect to historic properties

It is the purpose of sections 469 to 469c-1 of this title to further the policy set forth in sections 461 to 467 of this title, by specifically providing for the preservation of historical and archeological data (including relics and specimens) which might otherwise be irreparably lost or destroyed as the result of (1) flooding, the building of access roads, the erection of workmen's communities, the relocation of railroads and highways, and other alterations of the terrain caused by the construction of a dam by any agency of the United States, or by any private person or corporation holding a license issued by any such agency or (2)any alteration of the terrain caused as a result of any Federal construction project or federally licensed activity or program.

Before any agency of the United States shall undertake the construction of a dam, or issue a license to any private individual or corporation for the construction of a dam, it shall give written notice to the Secretary of the Interior (hereafter referred to as the Secretary) setting forth the site of the proposed dam and the approximate area to be flooded and otherwise changed if such construction is undertaken: Provided, That with respect to any flood water retarding dam which provides less than five thousand acre-feet of detention capacity and with respect to any other type of dam which creates a reservoir of less than forty surface acres the provisions of this section shall apply only when the constructing agency, in its preliminary surveys, finds, or is presented with evidence that historical or archeological materials exist or may be present in the proposed reservoir area.

In the administration of sections 469 to 469c-1 of this title, the Secretary may -

As used in sections 469 to 469c-1 of this title, the term "State" includes the several States of the Union, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Notwithstanding section 469c(a) of this title, or any other provision of law to the contrary -