What Franchisors Need to Know When Drafting Their Franchise Agreements A franchise expert offers some experienced advice about the potholes you may run into when creating your franchise agreement.

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The following excerpt is from Rick Grossman's book Franchise Bible. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | IndieBoundThe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that all companies that offer franchises in the United States adhere to the FTC regulations. Here are some items to factor in as you develop your franchise documents so you can be sure you're complying with all legal regulations:

The disclosure document required by the applicable state governments typically must contain, among other things, the following information:

In addition, a copy of the franchise agreement and an explanation of its more pertinent provisions are also required.

In most cases, if you're in a registration state, you will submit your application with the franchise agreement and disclosure document to a state official, who will then determine whether or not it has met the requirements of the state law and advise you accordingly. These state statutes, like the federal statute, require a complete disclosure of certain enumerated items. The states do not determine whether or not the statements in the disclosure document are true or false, but, in the event that a stated item is not true, the state gives the franchisee an additional legal right for damages.

In some cases, a violation may result in administrative or criminal sanctions or both, in addition to the civil remedies afforded to the franchisee. States that have franchise investment laws have statutes that can be used in seeking damages through the courts or arbitration for both loss of profit and return of monies spent in the event that a franchisor violates these laws. This is in addition to remedies for fraud that are available to any victimized business owner.

In addition, the states with franchise registration laws, and the FTC under its rules on franchising, have given government authorities certain powers to seek criminal remedies against franchisors violating the franchise acts and, in some instances, the power to order the franchisor to pay back franchise fees received in violation of the acts.

If you insist upon creating your own disclosure documents -- which franchise experts do not recommend -- you should familiarize yourself with the laws of the state in which you intend to franchise. At the very least, contact the various state agencies to see whether you are required to comply with their laws if you're selling to a franchisee residing in that state or if you even want to operate franchises in that state.

In all states with franchise registration laws, if the prospective franchisee is a resident of the state and the franchise is to be operated in that state, the franchise laws of that state will apply. Also remember that you can make no claims regarding existing franchisees' earnings or potential earnings unless you provide an earnings claim document. Those states with franchise registration laws also require an approved earnings claim document.