Perform a Graduate Degree Audit

Your Graduate Degree Audit shows how the courses you’ve completed—as well as those you plan to take—fulfill your major requirements. Use the audit to track your progress, plan for future semesters, and view a summary of your credit hours and GPA.

How to access the Graduate Degree Audit

MyPack Portal > Student Homepage > Planning & Enrollment tile > Graduate Degree Planning > Graduate Degree Audit

  1. Log into MyPack Portal using your Unity ID and password
  2. View your Student Homepage
  3. Select the ‘Planning & Enrollment’ tile
  4. From the left-hand navigation menu, select ‘Graduate Degree Planning’
  5. Select ‘Graduate Degree Audit’

You will see a collapsed list of your declared majors, graduate certificates, and/or minors. Select which one to expand and view. You will see your full list of graduation requirements for the program, along with the following corresponding icons that indicate your completion status:

CompleteThis icon will appear if you have successfully completed the requirement.
EnrolledThis icon will appear if you are currently enrolled in a course that meets this requirement.
Incomplete/LateThis icon will appear if you have not yet successfully completed this requirement, or your grade for the course has not yet been posted.
PlannedThis icon will appear if a course that meets this requirement has been added to your Graduate Planner.
UnmetThis icon will appear if you have not yet completed or planned this requirement.

Features of the Degree Audit

Program Information

At the top of the screen, you will see the following information:

Other Features

Sample Degree Audit

The sample degree audit below shows various features of the degree audit, such as varying requirement statuses and the “Add To Planner” and “Details” links. If this student took courses that did not automatically meet degree requirements, they would appear under the “Additional Courses” section.